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تعداد بازدید:۲۹۲

لیست مقالات اخیر اعضای هیئت دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی که در مجلات ISI، PubMed و اسکوپوس به چاپ رسیده است.

  1. A Case of Emergency Cesarean Section with Pseudopregnancy
  2. A Review on the Relation between Sepsis and Vitamin D Level among Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infants
  3. A Survey of Iranian Primiparous Women's Perceptions of Vaginal Examination During Labor
  4. Adaptive coping strategies in patients with spinal cord injury: A phenomenological study
  5. An Optimal Model for Educational Leadership Competency in Clinical Departments of Nursing and Midwifery Faculties
  6. Assessing the Relationship between Leadership Styles and Organizational Health in Ilam's Teaching Hospitals in 2018
  7. Challenges of managing diabetes in Iran: Meta-synthesis of qualitative studies
  8. Clarification of ageism in the care system
  9. Combating with ageism in care settings: A qualitative study
  10. Concept of error and nature of nursing error detectors in military hospitals: A qualitative content analysis
  11. Coping strategies in patients with kidney transplant rejection: A phenomenological study | [Estrategias de afrontamientoenpacientes con rechazo de trasplante renal: Un estudiofenomenologico]
  12. Cross-cultural Adaptation and Validation of Professional Scale in Iranian Nurses
  13. Definitions and Theories of Elder Abuse
  14. Disrupted mothering in Iranian mothers with breast cancer: a hybrid concept analysis
  15. Effectiveness of a Human Capacity-building Initiative on Improving the Health of Rural Communities
  16. Effects of training on nurses’ performance in terms of endotracheal suctioning of patients in intensive care units based on clinical indicators
  17. Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Posttraumatic Growth in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
  18. Evaluation of Mothers' Self-efficacy in Caring of Children with Asthma Referred to the Subspecialty Clinic and Ardabil Educational-Medical Center of BuAli in 2018
  19. Evaluation of Resilience and Its Related Factors in the Elderly of Ardabil City
  20. Experiences of nurses within a nurse-led multidisciplinary approach in providing care for patients with diabetic foot ulcer
  21. Explaining nurses' perception of the causes of ageism in hospital settings
  22. Explaining the Factors Affecting the Success of the Nursing Students in OSCE Exam: A Qualitative Content Analysis Study
  23. Explaining the Process of Vaginismus Diagnosis: a Content Analysis
  24. Factors Affecting Behaviors of Women with Breast Cancer Facing Intimate Partner Violence Based on PRECEDE-PROCEED Model
  25. HPV and its high-risk genotypes in Middle Eastern countries: a meta-analysis
  26. Identifying the predictors of turnover intention based on psychosocial factors of nurses during the COVID-19 outbreak
  27. Investigating Hand Dermatitis among Nurses in Iran during the Outbreak of COVID-19: Comparison of COVID and Non-COVID Wards
  28. Investigating the Aggression and its related Factors in Ardabil School of Nursing and Midwifery Students in January 2019
  29. Investigating the Psychometric Properties of the Pieper-Zulkowski Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test among Nurses in Iran
  30. Iranian superwomen's career experiences: a qualitative study
  31. Knowledge and Attitude for Medical Students towards COVID-19
  32. Knowledge and Performance of Professional Ethics among the Clinical Professors
  33. Labor Pain in Different Dilatations of the Cervix and Apgar Scores Affected by Aromatherapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
  34. Lived experiences of kidney transplant patients and their family members from transplant rejection
  35. Lncrna terra expression level and telomere length in placenta samples of healthy and preeclampsia women
  36. Nurses' Interaction with Nursing Managers and its Affecting Factors
  37. Nursing students' attitude and preparedness for nurse prescribing and its relationship with self-efficacy
  38. Nursing work intention, stress, and professionalism in response to the COVID-19 outbreak in Iran: A cross-sectional study
  39. Patient-centred communication for women with breast cancer: Relation to body image perception
  40. Perceptions of Families of Patients Affected with Coma in Intensive Care Units: A Qualitative Study
  41. Prerequisites for provision of spiritual care in the neonatal intensive care unit in Iran: a qualitative study
  42. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Urinary/Anal Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Healthy Middle-Aged Iranian Women
  43. Psychometric Evaluation of the Caring Ability of Family Caregivers of Patients With Cancer Scale-Mothers' Version for the Mothers of Children With Cancer
  44. Psychometric Properties of the Farsi Version of Posttraumatic Growth Inventory for Children-Revised in Iranian Children with Cancer
  45. Psychometrics Properties of Social Well-Being Scale in Iranian Elderly
  46. Relationship between resilience and professional moral courage among nurses
  47. Relationship of maternal vitamin d level with premature rupture of fetal membranes
  48. Reliability and Validity of Place Attachment Scale among Iranian Older Adults
  49. Review of constipation treatment methods with emphasis on laxative foods
  50. Social well-being of Iranian retired men of the armed forces and their wives
  51. Specific prodromal symptoms in patients with acute coronary syndrome
  52. Status of Psychological Adjustment and Associated Factors in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences-2019
  53. Stigma experience in patients with kidney transplant rejection
  54. Studying Psychological Issues Related to the First Childbirth and Its Relationship with Favorite of the Kind of Next Childbirths in Women Referring Ghamar-e Bani Hashem …
  55. Studying the Relationship of Mental Health and Other Factors with Preference of Delivery Method in Women Referred to QamarBani Hashem Hospital, Khoy, Iran
  56. The Attitude of Nurses Working in emergency wards in Educational Hospitals of ardabil University of Medical Sciences toward the Elderly
  57. The barriers and facilitators of self-management among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A trans theoretical model (ttm)-based mixed method study in Iran
  58. The Diabetes Mellitus-Related Problems among Diabetic Elderly
  59. The Effect of Dates and Fennel on Breastfeeding Adequacy of Mothers: A Review
  60. The Effect of Individual and Group Education Done by Nurses on Smoking Dependency and Smoking Cessation Motivation in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
  61. The effect of P6 acupressure on nausea and vomiting of pregnancy: A randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled trial
  62. The Effect of Peppermint on the Treatment of Nipple Fissure during Breastfeeding: A Systematic Review
  63. The Effect of Spiritual Self-care Training on the Quality of Life of Mothers of Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  64. The Perceptions of Families of Comatose Patients in the Intensive Care Unit: A Qualitative Study
  65. The predictive role of body image and sexual function in quality of life after modified radical mastectomy regarding the mediating role of emotion; a cross sectional study
  66. The prevalence of various abuse types and their associated factors in the elderly
  67. The Relationship between God Attachment and Attitude toward Death in Elderly People of Ardabil in 2019
  68. The relationship between moral sensitivity, ethical climate, and job strain with patient privacy from viewpoint of operating room staffs
  69. The Relationship between 'Self-Care Ability' and Psychological Changes among Hemodialysis Patients
  70. The Status of Ageism in Caring for Elderly Patients From Nurses' Perspective
  71. The status of cultural care among nurses working in different wards of teaching hospitals in Ardabil, Iran: A cross-sectional survey study
  72. The Status of Patient Safety Culture in Nurses of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ardabil, Iran during the Outbreak of COVID-19, in 2020
  73. The Study of Oral Health Status and Its Related Quality of Life in Elderly People Supported by Welfare Organization in Ardabil City
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